Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My Dream

Dreams are often motivators and often obstacles. I think we are afraid of setting goals and admitting to dreams because then it seems that we are committed to them. And if we achieve them, what do we do next? Are we to set a new dream or are we stuck with that one? My old dream used to be to run the world. No, not exactly, but close. I wanted to be in a position to help anyone with anything. My current dream is to live life without worrying. To be able to travel when I want, to do what I want, and to help where I want. Basically, I want to live a life where money isn’t an issue, ever.

My dream is directly tied to my why. So closely that in fact they are the same. I want to live a life free from worry. Worries about finances, about travel, about giving, about helping. I want to do all these things with abandon. I want to change the world, I want to help people. So I want to dive a little deeper into my dream. I’m going to address some of the questions in John Maxwell’s Put Your Dream to the Test.
Is my dream really my dream?
Do I clearly see my dream?
Am I depending on factors within my control to achieve my dream?
Does my dream compel me to follow it?
Do I have a strategy to reach my dream?
Have I included the people I need to realize my dream?
Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?
Am I moving closer to my dream?
Does working toward my dream bring satisfaction?
Does my dream benefit others?

So, I clearly seem my dream as being able to help people. I do believe this is a clear dream with factors within my control. I know I don’t just need money to achieve my dream, but it will be a huge step in beginning to live a life without worry. I long for a life free from worry and am actively taking steps towards that. My faith in God and in His plan are growing stronger every day and knowing and trusting in Him to make my path straight is a huge burden lifted.

My current strategy is to continue to place faith in God and to only worry about the things I can control. And I’m realizing there aren't a whole lot of things that need worrying about. My marriage is great, my kids are amazing, I have a solid house, enough money to life on, and great friendships.

My excuses are not particularly strong. Of course, that is why they are excuses. I’m not sure I can do this, but man, I really want to go down trying. I’m learning how to do this and I am making time to do this. And if by pursuing Young Living as a business to achieve this dream, I become “that person” to strangers, then that is ok. Because one day, I hope, they will see my dream in action. And that will make it all worth it. 

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