Friday, May 1, 2015


It's May! Time for something new. I've joined Many Kind Regards' Writing Challenge. I'm hoping to write 200 words a day AND 8000 words as part of my book idea. So we'll see. As with any good monthly goal, a plan is required.

Here it goes:

Write 200 words a day.
Keep track on my nifty Excel Spreadsheet. Indicate if its been published somewhere or if it is part of any ongoing project.

I recently stumbled on a list of 365 writing prompts and chose 30 that could work as part of my book. They will help. I'm also blogging, writing for MKR, and freelancing. So this shouldn't be so hard. Right?

(That was only 100 words. Keep going Rebecca.)

So, this month's writing projects will include:

What Rebecca Thinks pieces for MKR
Another freelance article (due May 6th, so better get crakin')
Several pitches for articles
A guest blog post, or two
Figuring out my book plan (maybe narrowing it down to chapter ideas? gasp!)
Writing letters
Newsletter entries
Motivational quips
Short stories with my kids
Journal entries
Collaborative pieces
Marketing material for work
Book reviews
Writing on this blog!

What are you doing to expand your writing this month? Join the challenge!

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