Saturday, January 25, 2014

Random: A Saturday Morning with my kids

This morning, my husband had to work. He was up and out the door before the sun rose. I knew, way in advance, that I would not get much accomplished but accepted it. My plan? Wear them out! (So when he came home and I went out the door for book club, they would sleep well.)

Death by burpees as a family one Saturday afternoon.
At 9am, we loaded up soccer balls, a football and our snacks/water and headed off to the track. I was desperately hoping they'd play long enough for my friends and I to get 3 miles of walking in. During this time of walking, the kids played soccer, Abigail held the football for Declan to kick, Declan ran laps and did push-ups and Abigail laid down and almost fell asleep by the goal post.

What better way to spend a Saturday morning? My children had the opportunity to exercise, cleverly disguised as playing, and I was able to as well. Bonus: I was setting an example that working out is a priority. And that whatever our schedule was, we'd find time for it. A lesson I really hope sticks with them.

Sunday morning I'll take off on a long run, and without a doubt, when I come through the door hours later, Abigail will ask how many hundred miles I ran and Declan will want to know if I won. But either way, they know that I took the time to get up, get dressed, and run. And maybe, hopefully someday soon, they will choose exercise as well.

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